Stones in my Bra is the first in the Traffic Jam of Life trilogy. Published 1st May 2020.
Click here for the link to buy Stones in my Bra
Stones in my Bra is about love, death, enlightenment and the perfect flapjack. Its narrator – a chaotic, Yorkshire mum-of-three, with a crush on Prince Harry, has been married too long to a neat-freak, anti-royalist Welshman.
Convinced there’s more to life than ‘Celebrity Sandcastles’, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, leading to an unexpected reunion with old flame, Monsieur Hôtel, and his chiselled jaw.
But will cherishing her chakras, clearing the clutter and communing with angels be enough to heal the scars of her past? What happens when she doesn’t just see the light, but becomes it? And why is her bra full of stones?
This light-hearted debut novel with its colourful characters, culture clashes, and strange situations, is the perfect antidote to the stresses of modern life.
Stones in my Bra is also available as an audiobook on Audible, Amazon and iTunes. It has been independently reviewed on AudioFile magazine.
The Pyjama Tour – this story is exclusive to members of the Readers’ Club.
It’s the 1980s and fifty brave souls embark on a whistle-stop coach tour under the occasionally watchful eye of their young, inexperienced guide. Will her performance of the Chicken Dance be enough to distract them from her lack of knowledge? Will she succeed in creating on-board harmony amongst such a multi-national group? Will her bad dream become reality or will Monsieur Hôtel be able to soothe her fears? And when there’s trouble at the border check, will she succeed in keeping all her flock together?
The Pyjama Tour reveals some of the back story from Stones in my Bra, introducing colourful characters, old and new, in an entertaining and eventful journey through Europe.
Dubious Diplomacy – a short story exclusive to members of the Readers’ Club.
It’s the era of the Cold War, where politics divide nations but town-twinning associations strive to unite them. The problem is funding. But with a degree in Russian and an ability to hold her drink, will the cut-price interpreter be up to the job? Can she hold her own with the group of miners from Donetsk and their burly, Barnsley counterparts? Will 007, beautiful Boris or sheer incompetence cause her downfall?
Dubious Diplomacy reveals further back story from Stones in my Bra, in a light-hearted anecdote, based, disturbingly, on a true-life incident.

Spoons on my Feet is the second book in The Traffic Jam of Life trilogy (published November 2021) and looks with humour and empathy at the trials and tribulations facing its narrator – a down-to-earth mum, waiting for her youngest eco-warrior child to fly the nest. Just as she thinks she’s found the secret to happiness, life decides otherwise and her world implodes. Whilst her husband finds comfort in his Welsh heritage, she journeys inwards. But will chanting at her chakras help? Could breakfast radio be the source of enlightenment? Or do those spoons really hold the answer?
Click here for the link to buy Spoons on my Feet.
Messages from where?! is the third book in The Traffic Jam of Life trilogy and is planned but has yet to be written.
The Corona Chronicles – Lockdown Life with the Nearly-Beloved and Grunting Teen is based on the author’s experience in the pandemic and is due to be published soon.